This installment of “This Month on Pun” is brought to you by By the Rules Kindergarten, which provides “Conservative Instruction for Young Children.” The fine teaching staff includes Cher Withothers, Dawn Fyte, Ray Sirhan, Donnie DePaste, Myna U. Manners, and Nefertiti Honda Fleur. Located at 42 Teechum Well, Willburgh, Pun.
November 7-8: There are many fall festivals all across Pun and on this weekend the seaport city of Smorgasburg on the shore of Betonda Bay holds its Flounders Day celebration. The highlight is a fishing tournament held just for the halibut. The city also has many attractions that reflect its rich seafaring history. For over two hundred years, ships have been guided into Betonda Bay by Miller Light, which was built in 1782 and immortalized in the 1897 novel, Miller Light by Tess Grate and Les Philling. Tours of the lighthouse are available and visitors can learn the amount of work involved in lighthouse keeping. Just a short walk from the lighthouse is the Smorgasburg Maritime Museum. Here, visitors can view displays of representative sea vessels from throughout Pun’s history. Prominently exhibited are the ketch Yurbreath, the junk Yard Dog, the rum-running proa Bitchin’, the launch Ainy, the barge Rye Tin, the yacht Sea Roller, the brig Adoon, the Dhow Jones, the schooner Orlater, the ferry Godmother and, for this weekend only, the submarine Sand Witch. Shoppers will enjoy Dock Holiday, a row of former warehouses on the bay front that have been converted into specialty shops. You can find antique sleepwear at Yesterday’s Snooze, garden herbs at Mother Nature and Father Thyme , men’s suits from China at Kuppensaucer’s, nautical knickknacks at Shipshapes, and Chippendale’s Furniture, featuring Maylund Dressers, just to name a few. Looking for a good place to eat while in Smorgasburg? Try Hearth and Sole and savor delicious seafood before a warm and inviting fireplace. This is north country dining at its finest. Home is where the hearth is.
November 15-21: This is Dinosaur Week at the Kolomaz Museum in Pun City. On display are fossils retrieved from the frozen wastes of the Dubbelon Tundra and from the ooze and mire of the Walter Wall Tar Pits. Some of the creatures whose bones have been pieced together apparently existed nowhere else on earth. You’ll see fossils of the Red Commisaur, Roget’s Thesaurus, the almost overlooked Nobodisaurus, the two-footed Dubbeldactyl, the deadly Mafiadon, the foul-smelling Tyrannosaurus Reex, the clone-like Peezinapod, the tiny Bikinitop, the annoying Mythroatisaur, and the nocturnal Dusktodon. Also on display are the fossils of early mammals such as the Wooly Bully, the Tame Minotta Shrew, the Chatterb Ox (also known as the Yakkity Yak), the Shuffelofta Buffalo, and a flying pig-like creature, the Hamm Hawk.
All month: The college football season on Pun winds down but there are still important upcoming games this month. Early in November, it’s Electorate at Feverpitch, Later in the month, Just goes to Shoya, Buoy meets Gull, Gulliver travels to Lillliput, and in two annual battles of military academies, it’s Stand at Attention and Sergeant at Arms.