This installment of “This Month in Pun” is brought to you by Bootie and Sole, offering shoes for all ages. Remember Bootie and Sole’s jingle – “For leather and lace, this is the place. From cradle to grave, we’ll fit and you’ll rave.” Located at 14EEE High Arch Way, Doctor Shoals, Pun. Garand “Tito” Fitt, proprietor.
June 1-6: The Oh! Migration! festival, held in Babaloo on the island of Santa Lucia (the Isle of Lucy), celebrates Pun’s inland expansion from the coastal city-states. Thousands gather to participate in activities centered in and around Pepptobiz Mall to honor the spirit that settled the interior.
June 7: Batteries Park, on the south side of Point Spread in south-central Pun, is the site of a special celebration honoring the city’s history as an important military post. The artillery battery cannons, known as the Guns of Neveron, which for years protected Honorondo Bay and Pun’s capital from marauding pirates such as Long John Undaweir, are still fired once a year to recreate their historic role in Pun’s history. The city creates a festival around the event, held each year on Neveron Sunday.
June 14-20: Mon Key holds its annual MonKey Shines festival through this week, highlighted by barrel races, business exhibits, a wrench toss, and the Gorilla My Dreams beauty pageant.
June 22: In eastern Pun, the longest day of the year is celebrated in a huge arts and crafts festival at the site of Pun’s largest waterfall (720 feet). Check out The Bigger Day Arts at DeHarderday Falls.
June 30: Judge Crater was formed in eastern Pun about 10,000 years ago when a meteorite crashed into the earth. The crater is named for Hubie D. Judge, the man who discovered and mapped it in 1741, and is primarily known for its vast fields of mint that grow in the crater. The rich land of the area gives the mint a strong bouquet and flavor that is highly prized by Pun citizens. A celebration is held every year and people come from all over the island to partake in the festivities on June 30, Judge Mint Day.
All month: In what has now become an annual event, the Pun National Museum of Dance History in Foot Falls has special exhibits all month with reduced admission prices. Visitors can view films and displays and also follow footprint patterns on the floor to do the King Conga, Sour Mash, Little Black Samba, the Pyar Square Dance (actually a Round Dance) Izzit Reel, Lemon Twist, Fazz Shuffle or the Carr Rhumba (also known as the Carr Hop and the Front End Shimmy). There are also displays covering the outlawed Strip Polka and the Buttin’s Key Cannibals’ dance, the Hominy Minuet.
Featured Restaurant of the Month: Shakespeare’s Hamlet: Measure for measure, this is old English cuisine served as you like it. Start with MacBroth, add Julius Caesar Salad, Romanov and Juliennes, Merchantoff Venison and, for dessert, Oh! Jello! What foods these morsels be.